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Welcome to

Connect Church






Church doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, Jesus designed his Church to be simple. It is where followers of Jesus connect with God and connect with and look after one another. Here at the Connect Church, we are on a journey of exploration where we want to take the best of what the Bible talks about church being. We want Connect Church to be


  • a place of welcome, where people feel a part of

  • a community who really look after each other

  • a place to learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus 

  • a space to pray, worship and share communion together

  • a place of inspiring and equipping one another to 'go and make disciples'

  • a community that positively impacts on the local community


We want to take a journey of church that starts in community, rather than in a building, routines or a jazzy performance. We want it to be authentic and a group of believers who want to ‘BE CHURCH’, not ‘attend church’.


So, we are opening the doors, if you would like to be part of this journey, then come and visit us.


How it Works:


We meet each week in homes. We share a meal together, look after each other, study the Bible together, pray together and share communion together. Contact 01449 710438 to find out about joining us.

Sometimes we all come together for a celebration on a Sunday @ 6pm 

Authentic worship and relevant Bible teaching are at the core of this celebration. You are very welcome to join us.


The next Connect & Reflect will be announced here.

BE inspired

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