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About us

our journey:

If you only had the Bible to know what Church should look like, what would it look like? In 2019, following reading 'Letters to the Church' by Francis Chan, Colin & Lisa Tapscott asked that same question. Read Acts 2v42 and you discover that the Bible talks about church as a place to 

  • Meet to eat together

  • Show sacrificial care of each other

  • Share communion,

  • Examine the teaching of the Bible

  • Pray to God & Worship God

  • Make disciples

So in 2019, we want to peel away everything else and make authentic community where this can happen.

our meetings:

We believe the Bible talks about church being a place to meet & eat, share & care, teach & reach. So, to find out about our approach to this, click this link to find out about our meetings.


What we believe

We believe that the church should be authentic and a place of real love and community. A place where people feel welcome. A place that learns about how to live life the way Jesus taught about it and modelled it. ​But if you want more detail than that, our church has a basis of faith, a manifesto of belief. It is based on the Evangelical Alliance basis of faith and you can read it by clicking here. 

our leaders:
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Colin Tapscott
Lisa Tapscott

Colin's passion is for helping people become the best me that they can be. He believes that when you discover the person of Jesus, the forgiveness he offers, the example he gives to follow it is a great place to start. 


Colin became a follower of Jesus when he was 12 and has been learning more about it ever since. 


As a leader, he has spent the last 30 years leading in education, Christian charities and churches and runs a leadership development company. 

our journey:

If you only had the Bible to know what Church should look like, what would it look like? In 2019, following reading 'Letters to the Church' by Francis Chan, Colin & Lisa Tapscott asked that same question. Read Acts 2v42 and you discover that the Bible talks about church as a place to 


  • Meet to eat together

  • Show sacrificial care of each other

  • Share communion,

  • Examine the teaching of the Bible

  • Pray to God & Worship God

  • Make disciples


So, we want to peel away everything else and make authentic community where this can happen.


We are a group of Christians who meet in Mid-Suffolk (UK), just starting out, and if you are in the area, we would welcome you. At the moment, we meet in homes in Debenham, Mendlesham Green & Coddenham. 


We would love you to join us in this journey, especially if you are intrigued to find out more about what church, faith and Jesus is all about. Who knows what this journey will entail? Maybe, in the future, we will use Stewardship Services to assist us in charitable status and formal church status. But, for the moment, like the Early Church we are just 'being' Church.

our meetings:

We believe the Bible talks about church being a place to meet & eat, share & care, teach & reach. So, to find out about our approach to this, click this link to find out about our meetings.


What we believe

We believe that the church should be authentic and a place of real love and community. A place where people feel welcome. A place that learns about how to live life the way Jesus taught about it and modelled it. ​But if you want more detail than that, our church has a basis of faith, a manifesto of belief. It is based on the Evangelical Alliance basis of faith and you can read it by clicking here. 

our leaders:
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Colin Tapscott

Colin's passion is for helping people become the best me that they can be. He believes that when you discover the person of Jesus, the forgiveness he offers, the example he gives to follow; it is a great place to start. 


Colin became a follower of Jesus when he was 12 and has been learning more about it ever since. That is a long time!


As a leader, he has spent the last 30 years leading in education, Christian charities and churches and runs a leadership development company. 

Lisa Tapscott

Lisa makes you feel valued when you meet her. A listener, a carer; Lisa leads by encouraging others.


Lisa became a follower of Jesus when she was young. She will tell you it was not a dramatic conversion experience, just a gentle growing in understanding of wanting to follow Jesus.


Lisa is a primary age teacher by trade. She has lead in  Christian charities and churches. During the week, Lisa spends 2 days a week helping run Athelington Hall holiday cabins.

Connect does not have paid members of staff.

We would rather put any money we raise towards ministering to others and people and projects we support. 

In this together

When we look in the Bible at when the church started, everyone contributed. We want Connect to be a place where people can come and find refreshment and be looked after. We want people to feel free to be looked after. We also want it to be a place where we look out for one another. Being a follower of Jesus means that you no longer live just for yourself but you live for others too. There is an African word, 'Ubuntu' that means, 'I am human because of the other'. We show what God intended humans to be when we live for others. So, Connect Church is a place where we want people to share the load. To see need and respond to it. To be a place where everyone comes with the attitude of what can I bring to this, not what can I get from it. Imagine a connected community like that . . . 

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